Nature Journaling
I have collaborated with Bird Academy at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology to bring you a self-paced online course on Nature Journaling and Field Sketching. Whether you're looking for a creative spark for your artistic expression, a way to develop your observational skills, or an immersive and mindful journey through nature - my course will guide you with friendly art instruction and engaging practice sessions that will help you make the most out of your journaling.
No previous art experience is required for this course - with over 4 hours
of video instruction I'll help you build your confidence in filling
your journal pages with sketches, paintings, observations, and
reflections. Join me in this course to transform your relationship with
art and the natural world! Click here to enroll!
Past Workshops With:
- Tennessee Naturalist Program
I have had the pleasure of teaching drawing and watercolor workshops in Seattle Washington, Nashville Tennessee, and Ithaca New York. My teaching covers a range of basics in drawing, field sketching, scientific illustration, and watercolor. I particularly love to work with beginners to help them lay a foundation for drawing and painting nature to become a part of their lives.
To request information about a group workshop - please contact me via the contact page.